Will & Tracy

This is our blog

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Making a difference – one vagina at a time….

Okay, so I actually did check with my husband on the vulgarity factor of my latest blog title. But as he so pointed out – John Irving – one of his favorite living authors, started The Cidar House Rules with the word penis, so he said by all means – “that’s your job honey and, you are good at it!” (best husband in the world) - Oh what my father must be thinking – At least I know what Grandma will do … roll her eyes and say “Gads, did I raise a girl to talk like that?”.. as she is fanning herself.

Well, I do have to reiterate that having a job with a freedom of not caring whether or not I’ll fired on a daily basis allows me to be bolder than I probably would normally be. It’s really starting to get pretty cool. Sure, I’m still a big wimp about asking for a silly raise, but they stroke my ego and so I let is slid a few more days and let them think I’m a sucker.

After 3 months of crap and stress that I can’t really say has subsided all that much, I feel like I have finally started to make my official impact on the Chinese healthcare system as small as it may be. Today, I started monthly classroom training sessions with the nursing staff as well as helped to organize NRP (neonatal resuscitation) training for both the doctors and nurses. Hopefully within the next month we will officially create a CODE PINK team to be available for higher risk deliveries.

So I could copy and paste the email from our COO brown nosing me on what an awesome decision it was to hire me (whose the suck up now), but I think it is more important to show you a few picture of the wonderful ladies that I work with and who put up with this crazy foreigner and all the training that she is throwing at them.

They asked me today to also be on the lookout for some single American cowboys that are interested in marrying them! So, for now, my services as matchmaker are free. ☺


Anonymous said...

get with the program....grey's anatomy has coined the new name...
vajayjay...not sure if that's the spelling but it sure has caught on
even Oprah uses it ...it will probably make the dictionary soon
like Rachel Ray and her EVOO but then it takes a while to make the chinese market!!!

9:50 PM  
willandtracy said...

OH OH - vajayjay is sooooooo old - hello - That is PG

My personal favorites from work:
KittyCat and Buhgina as in : I think something is coming out of my buh-gina!

6:40 AM  
Anonymous said...

I'm not at work now...can we talk about something OTHER than vaginas??! I had my fill of vajayjays or buhginas today already, thank you very much. (that sounds dirtier than I mean it to--ya'll in the ob/gyn world know what I mean!) ;-)

--kim s

11:24 AM  
Jenny H said...

I am laughing out loud at y'all now! :) Gotta love the world of OB nursing...I am so with you, sisters! I had my fill of vajayjays today, and now I'm off for vakaykay...to DC we go! :)

1:01 PM  

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