Will & Tracy

This is our blog

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Introducing Chip and Block…

I know it is a scary thing as we grow older that every now and then something just slips out and you think – was that déjà vu? – no – what just came out sounded so strangely familiar, so close to home – Damnit, I sound like my parents! Really, truly, before I offend both my parents, it really is not such a bad thing – just another stage in the enlightenment process – maybe they did know a thing or two during my teenage years!

What is more interesting and worthy of further research is if you have a chance to witness this between your husband and father-in-law. There are too many examples to mention during my observation over the last 3 years, but one in particular that has been amusing for me to observe because I no longer question where Will gets this from - the need for instant gratification when it comes to something they want – mostly relating to electronic gadgets or more recently artwork. Unfortunately, when they really want something, I think they revert back to 5 year old boys and are quick to buy it - I won't go as far to say they whine (they *are* adults mind you), but I think they really loose out on the “art” of bargaining. Okay, lets be blunt – they suck at it. This is where Carol (Will’s Stepmom) and I come to the rescue. You have to give the guys a little sympathy because in the US they can get away with this because there is not that many opportunities to practice this skill unless you want to visit your favorite used car salesman on a regular basis. The only reason I got good at it was moving to the good ole PRC where it is a survival tool and just plain fun when you get the hang of it.

But instead – what is Carol and my reward? After bargaining down a piece of artwork to HALF the original cost and have them throw in free shipping (Carol was a quick study, but she is a natural in the art of Chinese bargaining), the saleslady turns to Ray and says. “Your wife is tough and hard bargainer – you must have difficult life.” Instead of defending his wonderful wife – he leans forward with a grin and replies to the saleswoman…"You have no idea.”

Of course we all get a good chuckle out of that because we know that Carol is a rock star and yes, can be tough as nails – but look what she has to work with. The man that if put on Survivor and asked what two things he would NEED to take with him to a desert island would reply: “Starbucks and a western toilet.”

I know I’m giving my father-in-law a lot of grief, but hey, he admitted he never reads my blog (sacrilege!), so I’m safe, right? Well, really, I know he knows or I hope he knows I love him dearly and am blessed that I have him as my father-in-law.

My chuckle of the day – and a sign I needed to finish writing this blog to warn Ray and others: As I go to pick up *my* Starbucks (and who's the one with the problem?), I hone in on the barista's name like I always do – my favorites in the past have always been Sassy, Barbie, Tree and Cocaine – but this time I did a double take and … wait for it… the barista's name is none other than – LUCIFER! Is God trying to tell me something about my Starbucks habit? Or maybe He is trying to enlighten me so that I may enlighten my father-in-law that Starbucks is a sin. I thought about crossing myself and genuflecting once outside the door as I tried to recall the last time I went to confession – what do you suppose the penance is for a small no fat latte – I promise, I didn’t even add sugar! You have been duly warned. Just trying to save the world, one double grande no foam latte at a time Ray.


Jenny H said...

Tracy, that is Hilarious! Lucifer? Can't say I've seen him at any Starbucks in Austin lately...

11:24 PM  
Chris said...


You have my sympathies and admiration. She's a great girl, but sometimes... :)

Belated but truly heartfelt Congratulations.


9:20 PM  
willandtracy said...

Ouch! I'm not that bad! I guess to be fair - although not nearly as funny - to clarify that although my FIL SAID he could only survive with a Starbucks and a Western toilet - this is the Eagle Scout (along with Carol) that in the last 5 years has climbed Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa, hiked the Inca trail in Peru, and spent 2 weeks hiking/traveling in Buhtan(Asia)- all at altitude! Trust me, it is hard to compete, so I gotta tease him about something when I can!

7:28 AM  

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