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Will & Tracy

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Will's first Chinese haircut

Let me start out by saying that I'm a freak when it comes to getting my haircut (uh, no comments from the peanut gallery about the other numerous subjects that Tracy is a control freak about). For example, it took me 2 years to find a woman to cut my hair in Austin (her name is Kristy Freeman who now owns Salon Bloom in Austin - love her). For the next 6 years, I went faithfully to get my hair cut and colored - and it was rare that I came away without having some kind of panic attack (freak). So, with that little preface I can truly state that I think I married one of the bravest men in the world. Well at least that is what I told Will because I figured I'd be going back to the states in 2 years with two long braids and a bandana around my head.

We went to a small hair salon/barber shop in the underground metro station shops and we can't even read the sign on how much this is going to cost. Will pulls out his driver's license picture and the first guy shrugs and sits him in a chair (the guy has purple hair by the way). I watch from afar as Will gets this great shampoo/head massage for 15 minutes! Then another guy comes up and takes him to the hot seat. This guy actually looks at the picture. Will communicates in some kind of sign language to the guy (thanks Ann) while I'm praying (thanks Ann and Jenny). After 20 minutes I'm fascinated and really start paying attention - the guy is NOT done yet. It took at least 30 minutes for him to cut Will's hair - I've never seen anyone take that much time and effort. It was the best haircut (besides his wedding day) that he's ever gotten (we both agreed). Grand total - $5. Even though you don't tip here, Will gave him a BIG tip (10rmb or $1.50). The guy was happy, we were happy and then I bought Will an ice cream cone for being such a brave boy.


Jenny H said...

That is hilarious! I can't WAIT to hear the story of when you finally break down and get a haircut! :)


9:27 AM  
willandtracy said...

Sorry Jenny - I should have also given you props for the praying effort as well - not just to my mother in law! :)

5:12 PM  
Jenny H said... worries, girl. Give all the credit to God! :) Miss you!


10:23 PM  

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