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Will & Tracy

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Monday, August 07, 2006

The sweet smell reunion trash?

Well now that we are in Chicago anxiously awaiting our flight at 1055am to Shanghai I can now relay our funny misadventure even before we left. After most of the family left, Will and I finished packing. I went to go play with my nieces and an hour later Will was unpacking his bags and asked if I had seen the resident work letter and invitation letter that China had sent us Fed Ex last week (and I think to myself, you mean the ones that I wanted to hold onto in my "master binder," but that you wanted to put in your work bag). T: "No dear, I don't know where they are, when was the last time you saw them." W: "Thursday morning when they came in the mail (time now: late afternoon on Sunday)." We went through all of our bags and I said I had thrown away one fed ex envelope but swore I looked in it. But it was out in the trash bin. Fed ex envelope found, but it was not there. My mother is now involved in the search (mainly to try to keep me calm during the frantic search. My brain is racing and I am cursing Dell for putting us into this last minute frenzy. I am also wondering how long we will wait until we have China send us another copy and delay our flight. T: "Well, you start going through the trash, I'll be out there in a minute." I start going through his stuff swearing he must have overlooked it. Will in the meantime is going through 7 bags of trash (all of which has been sitting for 2 days in the 90 degree heat - including potato salad and diapers from nieces ages 1 1/2 - 3 1/2). As I start to walk out of the room, Will appears at the door waving the docs and with an exasperated voice, he proclaims..."I found them in the bottom bag, still in the fed ex folder, next to the poopy diaper. " As Will recalls the event over a beer (after washing his hands with scalding water...."That trash was rank!" I know I have done something like this before (yes, on more than one occasion), so you can't be upset about it, but Will let me keep the docs this time around.


Robert said...

Very good imagery here... I can smell the bags all the way down here. Thank goodness you found them... Have a safe trip!

2:46 AM  
Jenny Helm said...

Have a safe trip, girl! I'm so glad you found the papers! Can you imagine?! :)

8:40 AM  

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